Tuesday 21 July 2015

In The Pipeline

 Okay, set myself a deadline for midnight Friday for an update, gonna put up a new build then with everything I got done, and anything I wanted to get done but haven't, that can wait till laters. So, you'll have a new build to play with some new stuff for the weekend, if not sooner. Thanks for the patience, guys!

 There was some good discussion in the comments of the last post about why the infection does not mutate men, so I thought I might as well talk about that here. Of course, not everyone's interested in that, so that's going after the jump. See you there if you're interested, if not, on Friday!

 Quick questions -

 Number one, just realised no-ones mentioned this - are you getting the image of a red weedy vine thing growing up the side of the screen as the red weed advances in game? It should appear there whenever you're in an outside area.

 Number two - You're going to be able to take to the rooftops as another alternate route around town in the new build - a bit is already in the current build, but inaccessible - anyone got a good idea as to how to introduce this tot he player? The sewers is easy, as you have to find the sewer entrance, but for this there's needs to be something that kind of... triggers the realization in the player character that it's just something he could do.

  To sign off, have a random line from an encounter I wrote today - " Now they're closer, you notice each of them has a pulsing, bladder like organ on the top of their head, looking for all the world like a whoopee cushion, sending out gentle blasts of pink spores into the air as they walk by."

 Okey-dokes, so the question of the hour is "Why doesn't the infection mutate men?"

 The meta-reason is that one of the main themes of the game, to me, is the player remaining a vulnerable, squishy human as the world gets more and more dangerous and bizarre around them, and having to push themselves to their human limits to keep up and survive. There are already lots of games where the player mutates, and there seems little point in retreading treaded waters, and I find it an interesting idea and think it's an interesting set up to explore. Another meta reason is that the way the game is set up, it'd be pretty hard to accommodate much mutation of the player - giving him a second cock or whatever would require pretty much all the sex scenes being re written to mention it.

 The in game explanation is that the males are basically kind of asymptomatic carriers. The infections life cycle is basically -

 1) infects a woman, makes her all sex crazy so she has sex with men

 2)The man gets infected but at first keeps acting normally, goes off somewhere - ideally far away - and infects other women in a different area. Go to step one and repeat.

 The mutations come into play as the infection splits off into separate strains, and are in competition with each other for males to infect. So the host women are mutated into various forms that give them advantages over the other infectees when it comes to infecting men.

 So basically, the infections intended "plan" has been frustrated by the quarantine. If it had happened on the mainland, it'd spread out from town to town as the ordinary looking - and mostly acting - male infectees ran off to surrounding towns. So instead the mutants are being forced to form a kind of uneasy ecosystem on the island, which you'll get a few glimpses of in the "distant finales" in the game over descriptions. Think of it as like the pre-cambrian explosion thing, evolution shooting off in all kinds of odd directions before it stabilizes.

I mean, ultimately, yeah, it's all just a justification I made up to have mutating women and human men. But it's the story I want to tell, so that's how it's going down. :P If you want a game where men mutate more than just a little, you'll have to make it yourself. I'd be interested in playing it if you do!

Actually, talking of that, I've been thinking of putting together a really simple framework for people to do that in Ren'py - I've seen quite a few posts on Fen's forums and places asking about what's good to make games with - is that something anyone would be interested in? A really simple framework with basic combat stuff shouldn't take very long at all for me to whip up, and it's the sort of thing where once the user has played around with it a bit, it becomes much easier to see how to change things further.

Okay, see you Friday!


darkheros said...

MMmh the questions are:
1) Men without mutation for all the game, and bye the way, only after days or month men became crazy.
2) Men can be infected, and can spread around "the virus", with more "special power".

Errr... for me I prefer to leave the men uninfected, because the infection attack only the mind in the man. But is possible in the game to take special "infection" who give benefits. But the things we need a lot is, a more usefull item sistem. More weapon, more armor... nota complex sistem. For example, the possibility to see... your defence or your attack, or found a weapon and choose to take, but not to equip. The crafting I need to say... only in late build of the game, is more like a extra!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I am looking foward to the weekend to find all new encounters :)
About your questions:
1. Yep. I see the red vine thing growing as the game proceeds.
2. An enemy encounter/random encounter, that forces the player to find an escape route, which leads him to the rooftops...or maybe some over-enthusiastic monster minx throws him up there (chubby wrestler girl, some avian-mutated girl, which carries him up) and the player needs to find his way down (although this would only make sense after some days of mutation)
Enough said about the not-mutation of men :)

I actually might try to get something done with such a framework (You already inspired me to look into RenPy ). But on the other hand I am a lazy ass, so I probably wouldn´t get it done in this life :\
Have a great week

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing the red plants, yes. I just never pay attention to the growth and such.

And I'd have to second Dax's idea. Some kind of encounter that forces the player to seek refuge on the rooftops would work. A mob of minxes perhaps.


Anonymous said...

Another +1 for Dax's idea. Harpy type girls are hot and sex-in-flight is amazing, to give a nudge for what I'd like to see.

Can't wait for the new release.

SeldomPie said...

Thanks for the feedback guys, working on stuff right now. Putting in some stuff I've already written, and realised the long-tongue-girl I wrote defeats for, I haven't written a physical description for yet. So special treat for those who read comments, suggest a look/appearance for her here and if I think it fits (I probably will) I'll use the first good one posted. She's physically normal apart from the giant tongue, you can read the defeat scene here - http://seldompie.blogspot.co.uk/p/blog-page_4.html

TheDarkMaster said...

A harpy carrying the player up to the roofs for her fight is fine (with the regular fight taking place up there after that). You can also have the player be forced up there thanks to a blockade, flood, or powerful enemy wandering around the streets outside the player's base too.

As for the template idea, I don't think it's really worth putting effort into. I don't think people are likely to really use it. Something that auto builds basic enemies and exploration areas would be something I can see people using (program has a set of boxes you fill in with the monster description, stats, attacks, rapes, ect. then click okay and it adds it to the files for you), but anything that requires that they actually go in and edit the text files probably isn't going to inspire anyone to use it that isn't willing to edit the game's files normally.

Anonymous said...

Are there pictures for all of the enemies?

As to your questions; the red vine grows and probably an encounter with an enemy he has to flee and forces him to go to the rooftops

SeldomPie said...

Sadly no, only a few of the enemies have images so far. Hopefully, at some point, they all will! But not for a while.

Anonymous said...

First enounter:
You are cornered by an average looking brunette. She is wearing tight fitting khaki pants, a black shirt and a gray cardigan on top of it. Her brownish hair is cut into a bob. She steps closer and looks at you with hungry eyes, saying: "Mmmh..you look tasty..." You gape in awe, as she licks her lips, her tongue extends more and more and..more?! What the heck?

Second encounter:
You are facing the brunette tounge girl again. She grins wide and asks: "Hey sugar. Back to give me another snack?"

my try

Anonymous said...

Is there a plan to get more pictures? Can we do anything to help that, commission the artist who drew them?

SeldomPie said...

I got plans for the arts and such, and other Further Developments. All shall be revealed shortly after the release of the new build on Friday. Oooh, how exciting. :P

Anonymous said...

Did you ever get around to re-doing the missing defeat for the Research Librarian?

SeldomPie said...

I did not! I had in fact forgotten all about it. Thanks for the reminder. :)

Anonymous said...

Are there plans for finishing the Dismorphe's loss scenes? I've every time I've lost to her recently, my arousal has gone up instead of being unaffected, allowing the next minx to one-shot me. And I don't know what caused it, but my maximum lust started dropping considerably in my last playthrough.


SeldomPie said...

Hm, said Pie, making a pensive thinky face, max lust shouldn't get reduced by anything I can think of, and that sounds pretty major. I'll go check on that right away.

Yeah, the dismorphe defeats are definitely a thing I meant to get done for this release and have been putting off for some raisin. I'll make it top of the list of scenes to add, after the Research Librarian, and get to it once I've had a search for the mysterious Max-Lust-Nobbler. It's weird, I'm half sure I've written stuff for the dismorphes already, but it's not in the game or any of my scrap files. Guess I just dreamt it. I kinda like the dismorphes, incidentally. I tend to have a soft spot for the grosser and creepier mutants.

SeldomPie said...

Well, that was easier than anticipated - it was part of a script called after battles to check if lust had somehow ended up higher than maxlust, and reduce it to one point below maxlust if so (just kind of a fail-safe thing). I'd accidentally typed maxlust instead of lust in there, hence your maxlust dropping occasionally. Fixed now, so it shouldn't happen any more in the new build!

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