Saturday, 29 August 2015

NEW BUILD - V0.102 - Ass and Bubblegum Edition

 AHHHHHHHH holy fuck shits, that was a pain. Sorry for delay, update is here now. Things will get delayed when you accidentally overwrite a whole bunch of new stuff with old stuff and can't find your back ups! Got most stuff all sorted, then ended up complicit in a complicated scenario involving me having custody of a dog (I hate dogs) that I had no real right or desire to have, against the owners wishes! I explain all that not to make excuses for the delay, merely to explain why I am writing a game about surviving on a plague island full of monsters. It would be more peaceful and straight forward than my real life. Okay okay, let us get on, new build available from this link or the side bar, both go to the page-
Mutant Minx Meltdown: Rise of the MonsterGirls - V0.102 - Ass and Bubblegum Edition
 Note - contains Ass, but no Bubblegum.

 It is entitled so in honour of the sadly deceased "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. I've never been a wrasslin' fan, but They Live is one of my favorite movies, which probably comes as no surprise to you given my love of monsters, B-movies, '80's films and anti-authoritarian sentiments. I guess I should have put some magic sunglasses and hidden messages in this build, oh well, maybe some other day...

 Details of what IS in the build after the jump-cut, to spare those who would like to dive in without knowing. Bare in mind there's a chance some of the new stuff may cause errors, so if you want a bug free experience, you're best off waiting a day or so till they've all been found and fixed. As always, START A NEW GAME, using existing save game files is liable to throw crashes and errors I cannot fix or replicate.

 Let me know if you have trouble downloading, I will set up a backup.


Friday, 28 August 2015

Two Minutes To Midnight!

Two minutes to midnight -
The hands that threaten doom!
Two minutes to midnight -
To kill the unborn in the womb!

 Man, I guess I never actually paid attention to the lyrics of that song before. The body bags and little rags of children torn in two, And the jellied brains of those who remain to put the finger right on you. This is the most heavy-metally heavy-metal song I've heard in ages. But anyway.

 Well, you all probably no longer trust me to keep to the deadlines I set myself - and quite rightly! - but we should have the new build up by midnight tonight (or possibly two minutes before). If it's not... I guess you can all spank me or something. Wait, that wouldn't encourage me to get it done at all...

 I just have some already-written stuff to drop in, and finalize the coding for. It's bossy redhead house guest stuff, so there's that to look forward too. A lot of it will be place-holdery, but it all should be there. And there's a slew of other new stuff besides.

 I guess I've been so anxious about releasing and putting off the new version cause it feels like there isn't much new stuff added, but looking at the word count (that's on screen text that the player actually gets to read in the game), it's gone up from around 72,000 words in the last release to around 92,000 so... yeah, I've actually added quite a lot. It's grown by about a fifth? And work-count should be close to 100k by the time I have the bits I'm pasting in today done. I guess it just does not seem to grow as much as it used to now that it's pretty sizeable to start with, and I am not outright adding whole new areas and all. (Speaking of which, there might be one new area in the town added at some point, and all the shops and things shuffled around a bit for balance, then the town design should be done! Yay for landmarks.)

 Any way, yeah, sorry once more for the terrible delays. I am excited to get the build out tonight though, and see what you all think. A weekend of mutant minxes ahead of us! From now on, I think my plan should be to upload a new version each time the games grown by 10,000 words, no matter how small I feel the improvements are. That'll keep me from getting into a tizz about it again, like the big girls blouse that I am.

 If you want something monster-girl related to keep you busy till tonight, you could check out , a fun and pretty looking web coming about a bordello staffed by monster girls. Lots of fun, campy, saucy fun, and the author comes up with a lot of really nice creative ideas that I may well have to steal at some point.

 Okay, update TONIGHT, and I'll keep this window open if you want to natter with me or throw me questions/encouragement/abuse in the comments. It will hopefully help keep me focus crocused .