Well, blarp. Hello dear hearts, sorry for no word. Life has been its usual self. Was hoping to have an update for today, but well, guess not. Hopefully soon? And it will have some belated spooky stuff in it. Or "spoopy" as you kids apparently say these days. You so crazy!
Don't think I'm sleeping tonight and have some free time from now till Montag, so am going to see if I can't hammer something out. I'll post some sort of non-update update tomorrow if I don't, I have a few bits and pieces about other works that influenced MMM and stuff.
Since I'm gonna be writing, feel free to make some suggestions for specific scenes or minxes or stuff, like we did back on Freedom Day in July, no promises or guarantees, but if it inspires me I might well write it right up and stick it in while I am on a roll. And that sounds unintentionally dirty. Hooray!