Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Soon :(

 Apologies again for delays. I've been busy as all hell and also had to be working mostly at stuff that keeps money coming in and all, but this project is still going to be continued. Also, my GF found out about it, and is cool about me writing absurd porn games for the masses, so I'll be able to work on it more freely and openly now.

 Kinda apropos of that, does anyone have any suggestions for a method to accept donations other than paypal? I looked into having a donation button feeding into that, but they seem pretty pissy about withholding payments on technicalities and stuff. The best idea I've got so far is something like a in depth "world guide" available through smashwords, which'd give you extraneous background info - which I'd have no problem with people sharing here or elsewhere - which people could buy if they wanted to show support.

 Updated version soon, I got one with a load of bug fixes in, but with the nature of the game - having to download a whole new version for each update and losing your saves - I wanted to keep it till there was actual new gameplay content in the build before releasing.

 While I'm on, HUGE thanks to Valente for his link on the Flexible Survival blog, it has boosted my traffic through the roof. You are a legend/ :)

 Thanks for all the support, I'll try to answer all the questions raised in the comments to the last post within a day or so.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

New Build Sometime This Week

 Sorry for the delays, guys, things have been hectic, and I got writing/coding block something chronic. I'll have an update with a slew of bug fixes and a few new monster girls sometime this week. Expect at least a centipede girl, some game over scenarios, a girl with a deadly tongue, a new stat to waste your experience on, and a new class of enemies I'm calling "snapjacks".

 I'll try to finally get round to pulling together and posting a list of the encounter-able enemies/npc's though I still kind o f feel like I prefer the possible encounters to stay kind of a surprise.

 Gameplay question for you all - roughly how many days is it taking you to unlock all the areas currently? Trying to balance the exploration rate.