Here is a thing! It is a thing in the form of a map I was doodling some that shows the layout of the rest of the island, apart form the village. The village is always going to be the majority of the games area, places like the forest and the Oft Mentioned Abbey on top of the central hill are really going to be more like the "dungeons" like the library and such, than the day-to-day explorey areas like the main town streets and estates.
Still not totes sure how I'll handle the movement out of town - it'd be pretty easy, and fancy lookin', to have the map as an image map, so you select the area you want to go to by moving your mouse pointer over it so it lights up or whatever, then giving it a click. That'd probably feel a bit jarring and out-of-place after the measured "step by step" menu based way you have to navigate through the town though. Why don't I make an image map for the town too? I could, but I think having to navigate your way through areas B and C to get from A to D, risking whatever dangers are in those areas, is pretty intrinsic to the games set up. I guess a map of the town as a screen background or whatever would be a nice reference feature in any case, once al the areas and features are set in stone and finally finalised.
I lay down to rest my sore and blood shot eyes for a few minutes, and wound up sleeping for 13 hours, so didn't get enough done for an update yet, sorry. Gonna keep pushing over the next few days so maybe soon, if my body does not carry through on its apparent threats to make me hibernate until the spring.
suggestion: add a forked "field" to lead to the forest and a "hills" area, which would then lead to the monastery? with certain parts of town leading to the "fields"
Example: towns <-> field <-> forest, and hills <-> monastery
Having the ability to see the bigger picture and a better reference to where I am in the game would be dope. =)
we really need to find some more people to help you with this game seldompie o.o not saying like ur doing a bad job or anything i mean like fenoxo how he has help.
might make things waaay more easy on you and your eyes
Haha, well, Fen's games are a *wee bit* more popular than mine, so he has a bigger pool of people willing to offer assistance. I'd be happy to consider any offers of help though!
Yo, Seldom! It's good to see you are still chugging along at this. I have more hope for this than some games of a similar type out there, so I wish you the best that can be had in the time we are allotted!
On the topic of lending assistance, I did send an email a couple of days ago. Have you checked your email recently? Its possible I copy and pasted something wrong. I wouldn't put it past me.
Hi by the way, big fan. :p
My offer of help is still on the table. The most I could do is look over passages or maybe help you with ideas. Dunno much about writing good smut.
If you didn't get my email, I may have the same issue as the person above. If that's the case, I'll message you on Fen's forum. Probably give you my Skype if you want.
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