New Build! Also, apparently it is my responsibility to make sure this site lets you know blogger uses cookies. Is it letting you know that?
Mainly just bug fixes and things, major new bit is difficulty selector. As always, it's highly recommended to start a new game.
Fixes and new stuff -
* Resting for a day now fully resotres health, sleeping for a night if you are not too hungry restores two points, and eating a meal in the evening adds three.
* You should get two random training items at start up, just realised I think the way I set it, you only get them if you view the introduction, so do that for now.
* Basic difficulty selector is in, Challenging is what is was in the previous release.
* Lancaster searching crash should be fixed
* Dismorphe defeat going to spidergirl placeholder should be fixed
* Not sure why scorpion/quiet girl was getting her tail before she should, but I think she shouldn't do that any more.
* Eel defeat crash fixed
* Stats crash fixed
* Can't find why some players are finding food when the no-more-food messages are up. Let me know where you are when this happens, and what the exact message you get is please.
* Lickers should now be active, from day 14, in Village green and Conflass Gardens.
* You should bump into Brooke if you scavenge in the Butts Estate between days 9 and 24, when it is rainy.
* Unicorn should appear for virgins - anyone met her yet?
And that is all I think! Lemme know if there's any probs, yell your opinions of it at me, etc.
Crap, just realized I forgot to fix the arcade while bug fixing. >:( Will try to get another fix out tomorrow if I can.
Also, has anyone gone full term and laid nerd eggs yet? Any weird bugs or anything after? Seemed to work okay for me in testing, but this game is getting pretty complex now and weird stuff could get thrown up depending what other effects and all you have going on.
I haven't noticed any bugs as of yet besides going into stats looking at any marks like love bites and then going back to the stats menu cause me to auto meditate.....yeah other than that I've been lucky :)
I have ran into the Unicorn girl, and lost spectacularly so I got to see the defeat scene. If there was something about that encounter that allowed you see her again that'd be great, because otherwise she's a one-off.
I'll go get myself oviposited(is that even a word?) on my next play-through so I can check that for you.
I am still having trouble encountering the unicorn girl in Lancaster. I kept searching for supplies from days 40 to 51 nonstop, and even some time before that. I've been a virgin, and am a test character. Any ideas?
Alight, Report time.
Bug with scavenging in the Butts Estate. The options flicker, but the description text stays on the screen and I don't get an event or anything else. It's occasional, doesn't happen maybe more then one in ten clicks, but it still happens.
Bug with being attacked. Dunno if it's a bug honestly, but I'll go from one minx immediately to another without going to the location screen or any interlude text whatsoever.
Bug with the Nerd. I inseminated her, got knocked up and went to term until the game said 'you should be laying nerdeggs by now. THIS IS A BUG. Contact Seldompie. So, here I am, contacting you.
Finally got Brooke after two fruitless playthroughs. It just would NOT rain during the Day 9-24 interval.
Bug with training items. Game seems to be eating them at intervals. During the first run I got a textbook and Pair of boxing gloves. I could use the book, but I couldn't use the gloves until after I had scavenged a second pair. During the next, it frequently ate the items I scavenged and then allowed me to use them at random intervals. I wasn't paying enough attention to know if I got all the items back, but there you go.
On Tristan. Could it be possible to just loop her until more content is written? You show up, let her know about freaky goings-on in the town, and then have sex to lower your Lust. You can drop her around day 20 or so, if she gets infected that might be a good starting point.
And I do believe that's all for this time around. I'll let you know if anything else pops up.
okay, been doing another test run and I totally laid my nerd eggs (Not bragging or nothing), so I need to look into what might be messing this up.
good call on tristin
Vasin, a request - next time the game seems to "eat" your training items, can you hit shift-d and then select the variable viewer, then look up if you actually (in game terms ) have zero of that item, or if the game is just sort of pretending you don't? I mean that, I might have programmed it in a way it does that, I am a terrible coder.
will check other bugs, thanks for the reports
Unicorn was meant to be sort of an easter egg/reward for anyone who managed to stay all virginial that long. She does leave you with a taint mark though, so yeah, maybe a "bad end" for her if you stay pure after. need to code that all up though. Also, in researching that, I discovered for the first time that my little pony porn was a thing. I had no idea. I feel like the most naive guy ever.
....didnt know about Bronies..... I wish I could forget about them hahahaha
Does starting late in the game as a test character still count as being a virgin? Because I can't find the blasted Unicorn ._.
When creating your own character, you can set if you start the game as a virgin. The option is not available for the test character, but I know that the unicorn girl will appear if you play as the former. I met her once that way.
When i see no-more-food - only food i have ever found has been fruits.
Use either the test character or the Theology student to become a virgin. Test character and the other characters are assumed to be 'experienced.'
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