Wednesday 27 February 2013


Bug fix and minor new content update tonight hopefully, guys. Hopefully getting my mojo back. Also, realised I mistyped in the last update - there's no bad end for the spider goth, just a defeat scene, sorry about that.

Other, shittier, news - PieWifes new job fell through at the last minute, so we're still in the hole. Seriously sucks. Hopefully something else will come up, and there is more irons in the fire, but right now it's back to this game helping us pad our meagre and dwindling savings and paying our bills. I hate to be all e-beggy, but this really is all we have to go on right now. I'm going to update as much as I can in between school commitments. If you enjoy the game and can help, by throwing us a crust or just spreading the word, please do, it's all a huge help and is sincerely appreciated. Thanks guys.


SeldomPie said...

Mediafire is being a doop and won't upload again. Same old "gets right to the end and then restarts" ting that was happening before. Getting tired of this, but mediafire honestly seems the most reliable host I've found. Need sleep now, new version tomorrow, sorry guys.

Anonymous said...

I kicked in $10, keep up the good work.

Also it always makes me chuckle a bit when you say "PieWife". That's hilarious. Never stop saying it. It's an awesome name.

Anonymous said...

I think I saw a comment a while back about permanent clothing (collars etc.)? For sub material that sounds cool! Wondering if there were any plans for that.

Anonymous said...


SeldomPie said...

Nope! We'll be back soon!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if there could be more bad ends instead of just the max infection ending.
I noticed that when you lose to the bat girls they want to carry you away to their base. So why not make it so that if you lose enough times to them, they will eventualy succeed in keeping you forever.

Anonymous said...

Seldom's mentioned doing something like that down the road, a "branding system" where when the game ends (good or bad), there's a different resolution depending on the kind of relationships you had.

Just another thing in development for this awesome game.

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