Sunday 17 February 2013

Wiki Grows, so does Workload

 The wiki is getting some awesome work done on it, thanks to everyone who's been chipping in! I'm going to be seriously horrendously busy with school commitments in the next few weeks, I'm coming up to the end of the run with it, but I'm going to try to get another build out too, as soon as I can. A couple of real nice dudes paid to have stuff in the game, and I feel pretty shitty about having kept them waiting so long to see it in game. And there's been some great donated scenes that I'm itching to let you guys see too.

 Thanks for the patience, looking forward to being able to give the game a lot more focus. I really think there's potential for this game to reach a much larger fan base than it has - you guys are great, of course, but more is merrier - and I think with more free time to push at it, it could really get good and get some notice.

Gameplay questions - I've been fooling with combat - Do you ever actually use the bombs? If they were more likely to work, would you? What if they did more damage? If you had a companion moving around with you, would it bug you more if they ran off at the start of every combat, or if just threw a few half assed punches now and again?

Thanks for the patience, guys.


Rileybob said...

Hope you can get another build in soon, but don't stress yourself.

I never really use bombs. I would use them if they were more likely to work and did some more damage. I would love a companion, i'd like it if they just threw half ass punchers, but we could maybe use exp on them?

Goo Guy said...

I never use bombs.
I find myself buying "infection be gones" instead just on principle. Why win one fight when I can essentially eliminate the downsides of like 20 losses instead?

I'd like the companion to throw some status effects instead of punches. That way they'd be supportive but not feel useless. Accuracy adjustments and whatnot.
Running off is sort of a bitch move.

Anonymous said...

A companion that disappears whenever there's a fight? Sounds a LOT like Monster Girl Quest!

If there was going to be a companion, I think I'd like the conpanion to assist, like Goo Guy suggests. Increased accuracy, decreased accuracy for the opponent, distract the opponent, things like that.

I tend to not use bombs, I might if they were more effective though.

Anonymous said...

Yup don't stress yourself too much.
I still think status effects and drain attacks( would make a great addition.

Cheers for the work so far.

Anonymous said...

My main problem with bombs is that they have you spend resources on something that might not even work. Between that and their sheer cost, I just saw it as a waste.

If they were guaranteed to work, I could see my character saving a few to use in case of hard enemies, but right now they aren't very useful.

Anonymous said...

The entire combat being random, to the point where everything can miss, its much more smart just to brute-force and press only attack since damage is the only thing that really counts.

Attack and Run functions are the only real thing worth caring about in combat, bombs waste your money and are not significantly effective in any way, plus they can miss.

Special attacks are worthless too since unless they are guaranteed to hit, using simple attacks is much smarter.

Also, it would be nice if you would have the opportunity to attack first too. Kinda annoying when the enemy gets a free hit at you at the start.

Anonymous said...

My next sentence ought to make things clear. There were bombs?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the general consensus here. I never use bombs because they can miss. End of story. It's just throwing away money.

As for a companion it would entirely depend on what kind of person it is. I mean, if it was a child or wounded person then I'd totally understand them hiding during fights. But if it's another healthy survivor, then they should chip in somehow.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if the companion threw the bombs? Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I've been loving playing so far. I can't wait for more art to come up. Possibly art of what happens when you lose a fight? I mean, obviously, no rush, we are grateful.
I never use the bombs, but money never seems to be an issue.
Am I missing something as to how high stats can go? I can't seem to raise my intelligence enough to treat the infection even though it appears my intelligence is maxed out.

The Dark Master said...

The only real important special action for combat I've seen so far is meditate. I don't bother with anything else.

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