Sunday 20 January 2013

New Build, V0085 - Ex Libris. Also, Help.

Spider goth, spider goth, does whatever rhymes with goth. Coughs, I guess.

Okay, new build at last. Sorry for the delays, life got kind of awful.

Windows, Linux and Mac combined

Windows 7zip version

New stuff in this version -

* The library! Should be fully explorable, and lets you complete the first art of Selenas quest. NOTE - this won't stop Selena "turning". Yet. There's be more steps to that. The library is pretty tough, so there's a beefgate to pass before you get in - you'll need int, strength or skill up to 12. The libraries pretty huge, probably about as big as the rest of the game world put together. I think I might have gone a little overboard, but I wanted a good "dungeon".

* New mobs - four librarians, two (I think) new enemies on the streets, and one new encounter in the spooky house. The Pie Wife helped me write some of them, which is pretty ace.

* New NPC - a character written by MetalMouth can be met on the Westside estate. It's a pretty sweet encounter, and has lots of potential for expansion.

* New graphics - A few more by Shaona - the spider goth here, a slew of stuff for Rasna, and the swollen nerd. Also the first one by Alder, who has drawn the scorpion girl for us. Hooray for our awesome artists.

* Usual minor bug fixes and stuff.

As usual, it's pretty possible that some stuff will be ropey or borked, so hit me with your bug reports.

Things that aren't working yet -

* Rasna. Rasna is my albatross. Tried for hours to get her to work, and just ended up messing the code even worse and getting even more confused and at one memorable point, breaking the entire program without understanding why at all. I'm going to rip out all the code to do with her and re do it from scratch, like I should have done to start with.

* I started setting up another NPC, a female journalist who is immune to the outbreak, but didn't get much apart for the initial encounter done, so she's deactivated for now. You could look her up in the code if you really want to see her, I guess.

* Still no "bad" endings, too much infection still just results in head explosion. I'll have to get on those as a priority.

So yeah, let me know what you think and what works and does not. And one more thing.

I'm currently in my last year of schoolin', and the Pie Wife is currently out of work and due to circumstances, can't get unemployment monies. If you enjoy playing the game, and you can afford it, we'd appreciate it a lot if you could throw us a crust for it. The game is always going to be free to download, so think of it as a kind of honour system - if you play it a lot, it'd be nice to show your support. And if you could do that right now, maybe we will actually be able to pay our rent this month. Which would be a load off our minds, and a less stressed Pie means more work on the game. If you can't afford it, that's cool, believe me I understand. If you know a friend or online community who might like it though, you could let them know, 'cause that'd be an ace way of helping too.

Thanks a lot guys. Hope you enjoy the library.


Anonymous said...

I'd want to do a commission, but I don't know your rates.

I essentially want as much goo girl content as possible. Sewers like the library would be awesome, but I'm not sure I've got that much dosh.

Could you maybe site some things already in the game and say about how much it would take to commission a code/write for something similar?

I want to throw money at you, I just also want more goo girl stuff >_>

SeldomPie said...

Sewers and other "underworld" stuff are things I've had in mind for a while, they totally fit the idea of the spooky old isolated town that's been there forever. A sewer maze is a definite possible, and while goo girls arn't a particular fetish of mine, they are fun to write, and the Pie Wife is into the goo and tentacles stuff, so she'd help.

Shoot me an email, let me know how much you can spare and I'll tell you what I can do. Weird to try to price it, but I guess I'd write a standard enemy for 30 bucks. The library took ages to do, but now I've done it once, shouldn't be so hard to replicate. Like I said, email me with your ideas and we'll talk it over, I'm sure I can come up with something budget compliant.

Randomguy664 said...

Pie Wife sounds like a great 'Silly Mode' option for the housewife. I know you're talkin' 'bout your wife, but in a more literal sense the housewife turning into some sort of pie woman. Deliciously corrupting.

Sent a few monies. Good luck with the situation.

SeldomPie said...

Thanks man!

Pie Wife says thanks too.

SRG said...

No loss scene on the research assistant. In the files it cuts off mid-word, in the game it skips entirely. She's my favorite one too...

SeldomPie said...

Crap, sorry. Glad you like her though! I'll get it fixed.
Incidentally, the library is still pretty underpopulated, so any suggestions for more librarians are welcome.

Unknown said...

I will help you out man through your paypall, if you can please fix all of Rasna's stuff by your next update, please tell she me works perfectly....

Anonymous said...

Since there's a choice, I can't help but wonder - what's the difference between donating pounds or dollars ?
Aside from the exchange rate, obviously.

Anonymous said...

As far as more encounters for the library, maybe one that has a copy of the kama sutra and wants to test out the positions? Assuming the loss scene for the research assistant wasn't going that way anyway... Also had an idea for something to add to a boss/high level enemy, or a theme for a dungeon, an attack that directly raises infection a bit, but does little if any health/lust damage. Much more dangerous over time, but not immediately.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea if it's just me, but I can't open either of those files :/

Aesura said...

I dunno why, but all i get when i try to run the game is a black screen

SeldomPie said...

Unknown - fully working Rasna is one of my goals for the next big build! ^_^

Anon 1 - Nice suggestions, thanks!

Anon 2 - I'm.. not sure why I gave both options for currency. I guess I just thought people in the US might prefer it?

Anon 3 - You''ll need a unzipper program such as 7zip or winrar to unzip the file before you can play the game.

Aesura - check the FAQ for a possible solution to the black screen issue. Not sure why this happens to some people, sorry.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you've changed anything yet but in version 0.06 it was incredibly difficult to impregnate the dowdy nerd, she'd only ever suck me off. Also the dick girl's name always mentioned she was from next door, even on day 30.

Aesura said...

works, thanks!

Anonymous said...

A few issues with the library: when you lose a fight, you flee to a different area completely. While it does make it more challenging, it also gets annoying when you are just about to get the book for Selena, lose a fight and go to the other end of the library to get away from whatever it was. (SIGH) The other problem is while there's a way to lower your lust while in the library, there's no way to increase your HP - which created a HUGE problem when I lost a fight because of HP loss and kept running into things, trying to run away, failing, and they do a physical attack, meaning I lose the fight...

Other than that, things looks good. I love the new content, and loved the *head librarian fight* when you get the book needed. *What's my name? *I don't know!* *Guess, or I'm never letting up* (3 wrong guesses...gee that librarian's incredibly horny!)

SeldomPie said...

Anon 1 - Thought I'd fixed the GND, I'll do it for next build thanks. I think you've just had a bad run of luck with the dowdy nerd, she should have a 2/6 chance of, you know, actual sex-sex.

Aesura - glad to help!

Anon 2 - Good point about the low-health loop. Not sure if theres any "story logic" way to have a health upgrade in the library though. Could set it so you wake up in the lobby after a health loss, so you can go off and recoup?
The random running away.. I dunno. makes sense to me that you'd run randomly, but if it's keeping borked characters from escaping, that should be fixed. I guess the "go to lobby" health loss fix might aliveate that too.
Glad you liked the head librarian, she was a co-write with the pie-wife. That and the crazy fingers (broken til the next build) are the first stuff she's done for this.

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