Friday 25 January 2013

Test Build - Sewer Maze

Got a lot less put into the game today than I'd hoped, for a few reasons, a stinking headache that didn't shift til the afternoon being one of them. Still, got a fair bit written that's just not worked into the game yet, so don't feel too bad. Kind of a test build here - not an official build because Rasna is totally broke, I ripped out all her stuff and I'm still in the process of rebuilding her. It's taking a while because I have come to hate her, her and her stupid overcomplicated variables. Once I have her working, I never want to see, think or hear about her again. I'm half tempted to put a word limit on any future submissions to keep from getting into a situation like this again. I don't want to sound ungrateful, and I love getting submissions for the game, but man, these scenes are a pain to get working.

So yeah, stay out of Rasna's shop in this build. What SHOULD be working, at least hopefully, is the first rush of the sewer maze. There's only one new enemy in there, an ordinary girl who changes into a red goo girl after about day 20. You should be able to meet her just running through the corridors next to the first "chamber" in the sewers, the one marked with an S.

Oh, also, the sewers are only accessible after enough rain has fallen - the test character starts with a "rain boost" if you want to get straight in. If you could have a poke around and tell me if they are too annoying or actively broke anywhere, that'd be a help, but if you want to wait until they are properly populated, that's cool. Really wasn't expecting the sewers to take so long to set up, I thought I'd have the "knack" for dungeon building after doing the library. Gimme a other two or three dungeons, and I've be shitting them out.

That's the combo build for everything, mac, windows and linux,  not linking this on the download page as it's just really a test for the sewers. The fingers in the spooky house should be working in this too, but I don't think I've fixed any of the other issues - research librarian will still blank on defeat, for instance. Hopefully tomorrow I can focus a bit more and get some of the stuff I've written actually into a build.

Oh, spruced up the blog a bit too. Is everything readable?

Donation drive is still on, please support us if you can, another "proper" build release tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I can't find the sewer. Ran a test character and skipped 80 days.

Where is it?

SeldomPie said...

down on the sea front, should be. About to sleep though, will check tommorow

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