Saturday, 10 November 2012

A Spotters Guide to Mutant Minxes

 Battleable NPC list is go! There's a link over on the side below the download link, or you can click the link below if you don't want to move your mouse that far.

 It's a bit sparse at the moment, just letting you know what enemies can be found where and when - really just a guide to let people find any NPC's they might have missed. I was thinking of adding more information about them, but I'm still not sure if I want to have that as an in game feature - maybe a note book of another survivor you can find or something, so you can find info without leaving the game - or maybe set up a wiki or something, Most probably, there'll end up being both. Lemme know if there's any more NPC info you'd like to see added.

 Update by the end of Sunday again, including TDM's farmgirl stuff that I shamefully forgot last week. I have very little free time at the moment, but am going to try to get into the pattern of having a new version ready for the end of every weekend.

 We were getting a big spread on the plant growth - some people getting fruits inside a week, others not getting any till day 30 or later. This'd serve to make all games real different, but could also be frustrating. I could make it standard in all games by tying the growth to the passage of time instead of the rain, like the mutations of the NPC's, but I do kind of like the dynamism of having the plants effected by the weather. What do you all think?

 Thanks again for all the feedback!


Unknown said...

Greetings! I'd like to inform you that your latest build has a compression issue. Either corrupt headers or a unrecognized compression method. Could you re-upload using the latest version of 7-Zip for compressing please? It is a free program, and is well known on the web.

SeldomPie said...

Thanks for the heads up, and sorry for the problems. You're not the first to have this issue, 7-zip really seems to dislike whatever compression algorithm Renpy uses. Enough people are having issues for me to start re-zipping it. Downloading 7-zip now, and the next build will (hopefully) be 7-zip compatible.

If you want to play the current build in the meantime, it works fine with winrar.

Anonymous said...

A bit of both would be nice. Let them grow naturally over time, but let rain speed up the process. It was a bit of a pain playing the full 40 days and never finding the plants, but it's your call. Maybe once the game is more fleshed out seeing the plants won't be as big of a deal.

Anonymous said...

One way to address it: make it depend on the weather, at least partially, but make the weather bounded by certain limits.

You don't have to get into "realistic" weather simulation to get the sort of cycles that show up, just something like a heavier "weighting" toward a change the longer any given state comes up.

Or to put it another way: make the Gambler's Fallacy true (for the weather), which then makes it extremely unlikely to go huge amounts of time without rain... or to get it all the time.

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