Friday 30 November 2012

Visual Aids

Incredibly pleased to be able to say that we're starting to get some graphical assets for this crazy thing! Sharona of is being awesome enough to provide some arts for the NPC's, and they are looking pretty damn great. Here's the Highland Lassie and the Bossy Redhead.

Sharona also does commissions, so if you want some sexy art in your life, you know where to go. And who doesn't want sexy art in their lives?

There probably won't be any art in the game for a while, but I'm crazy pleased about how these are looking, and thought you guys would like to see too. Awesome shared is awesome squared, and all.


Anonymous said...

cool!! :)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see art for the Mushmouth...

ClownyXX said...

Hi seldomdpie,
Wondering if you have taken look at my suggestions, if you didn't here's some recap. I was wondering if you ever gonna make a good setup similar to what most games have like the stat/hp bars and the inventory button because it kind of bothers me not being able to see everything on screen while the game is going.

Also about the combat system what kind of plans you have for it other than shoving? Cause a great suggestion from me that this game has a potential to become a Battle Fuck game like Erotical Nights, but instead you can have both Physical and Sex as a offensive attack. Physical attacks as everyone knows it kills or renders the enemy unconscious. Sex can make opponents unconscious when they cum.

Kind of need to know what your future plans with this game lol because you may already plan to put these in. Other than that the storyline and the setting is REALLY GREAT because lots of games are female oriented games never male oriented :/.

SeldomPie said...

Sorry, I don't remember seeing your message before - I got a crazy flood of messages for a while after Fenoxo linked me on his frontpage, I think I might have overlooked a few. Sorry!

With the addition of the npc graphics, I *am* thinking of trying to spruce up the combat screen with graphic health indicators and all, but that's going to b a big project for me - I'm very much a noob programmer, and that'll be the biggest thing I've tried so far. So it might well take a while.

Interesting sugestions for the combat. I'm not sure how well that'd integrate into the system that's already there, but i'll have a think on it, and I'm happy to hear any more suggestions.

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